there is a clear winner…(and if you read this whole thing, you can win too)


A common question we get asked from newer photographers with us is: “What size album should I order?:

While there is no clear cut “right” answer to this, we thought that perhaps the best way to answer was to allow you our awesome customer base to answer for us.

We looked back at our previous years sales to see which size album was ordered more than anything else and it was a clear winner.  The best selling album size by far: the 10×10 album.

(Interesting factoid: the 10×10 album made up 32% of all album sales and was the top seller in all of our cover materials)

why the 10×10?

We think there are several reasons that the 10×10 is so popular:

  • It’s kinda the “Goldilocks” of album sizes (not too big, not too small – really helps when you want to carry it around and show it off)
  • It is perfect for featuring any type of photography.
    • It can showcase a main event like a wedding without seeming paltry
    • It is a great way to present portraits without being overhwhelmingly huge
  • It can suit a variety of budgets. With the range of spreads we offer, you can do a 5-spread at a very reasonable budget or go all out with a 30-spread fully grain beauty
  • The square format is modern & hip – who doesn’t want to be trendy right?
  • It helps avoid the squint factor of smaller albums
  • It looks fantastic with any of our cover materials and upgrade options: Bamboo, Full Grain Leather, Linens, add a cameo, add a plaque – they ALL look fantastic!

get one on your next order – and save 10%!
(offer good for March only)


To celebrate just how awesome we think the 10×10 album is and to get you started on your next 10×10 order, we’re offering a 10% refund on your next order of a 10×10 10-spread (or more) during the month of March*.  To get the refund: quote “I saw the 10×10 blog refund” in the comments / special instructions section of your shopping cart and we’ll refund 10% of the 10×10 album (including cover upgrades) back to you after we receive the order.

*This offer is good for use on one (1) 10×10 album, and can have any cover material. The album must be 10 spreads or greater.  Can be used once per customer. The offer expires March 31 @ midnight.  Customer must pay in full up front and lifethreads albums will refund the 10% within 24-48hrs after receiving the order.